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Survey Responses Academic Year 2022/23

A pilot survey was sent to members of the senior leadership team at every school in Leeds in 2023, designed to collect data about schools’ arts curriculum and extra-curricular delivery of arts and cultural activities. The pilot intended to gauge response and validate the approach and methodology for this second phase of work.

Key findings from the second phase of survey responses are presented on this page, based on responses from 53 of the 293 schools included within the study, seeing an increased response rate after the pilot study.


The headline statistics below refer to the headline findings from all survey responses provided.

Arts entitlement

67%have a commitment to pupil entitlement in the arts

Additional arts funding

16%seek additional funding for arts curriculum and enrichment


60%sign-post additional creative opportunities for students

Arts award

18%said their school offers an Arts Award

External practitioners

71%invited external creative practitioners into the school

Local partnerships

45%have a partnership with local arts organisations

Overview of Respondents

The headlines below represent the breakdown of survey respondents by school type. Of the responses from 49 unique schools responding to the survey:


66%were from a Primary school


11%were from a Secondary school

Special School

11%were from a Special school

Through School

4%were from a Through school

Responses by school type

Out of the 49 schools involved in the survey:

0100%20%40%60%80%Through SchoolSpecial SchoolSecondaryPrimaryPrimary: 66.0% respondedSecondary: 11.0% respondedSpecial School: 11.0% respondedThrough School: 4.0% responded

Arts Provision in Schools

Commitment to the arts

The headlines below describe the responses given by staff when asked about their school's commitment to pupil entitlement in the arts. For example, every pupil learns a musical instrument, or has the opportunity to go on trips each year.

The percentages below refer to the proportion of each school type, out of 49 unique schools counted in the survey, who said their school has a commitment to pupil entitlement in the arts.





Special School


Through School


How would you rate your school's arts curriculum offer?

Out of the 49 schools counted in the survey:

Through School
Special School
0100%20%40%60%80%PoorMixedGoodExcellentPrimary Excellent: 20Primary Good: 51Primary Mixed: 26Primary Poor: 3Secondary Excellent: 67Secondary Good: 17Secondary Mixed: 17Secondary Poor: 0Special School Excellent: 0Special School Good: 67Special School Mixed: 33Special School Poor: 0Through School Excellent: 100Through School Good: 0Through School Mixed: 0Through School Poor: 0

Why do you rate your school's arts curriculum as excellent/good?

How would you rate your school's extra-curricular and arts enrichment offer?

Out of the 49 schools counted in the survey:

Through School
Special School
0100%20%40%60%80%Prefer not to sayPoorMixedGoodExcellentPrimary Excellent: 11Primary Good: 37Primary Mixed: 34Primary Poor: 11Primary Prefer not to say: 6Secondary Excellent: 67Secondary Good: 17Secondary Mixed: 17Secondary Poor: 0Secondary Prefer not to say: 0Special School Excellent: 0Special School Good: 33Special School Mixed: 67Special School Poor: 0Special School Prefer not to say: 0Through School Excellent: 100Through School Good: 0Through School Mixed: 0Through School Poor: 0Through School Prefer not to say: 0

Why do you rate your school's extra-curricular arts offer as excellent/good?

Signposting beyond the curriculum

60%enter pupils into competitions or showcases - whether that is at a local community or regional/national level

Competitions & Showcases

50%actively sign-post for pupils to develop creative skills and participate in arts opportunities beyond the curriculum

Challenges with the arts curriculum and extra-curricular offering:

External Practitioners


45%have a partnership with any local arts organisations

Delivering activities

71%invite external practitioners to deliver creative activities

School partnerships

28%partner with other schools to support the arts curriculum

Tell us about these partnerships and their benefit to your school:

Subject areas of the organisations and creative practitioners engaging with schools:

Out of the 49 unique schools used in this analysis:

Through School
Special School
0100%20%40%60%80%TheatreMusicMuseum/HeritageFilmDigital media and gamingDesign and TechnologyDanceArtArt
Primary: 29%
Primary: 31%
Design and Technology
Primary: 14%
Digital media and gaming
Primary: 3%
Primary: 3%
Primary: 17%
Primary: 51%
Primary: 40%
Secondary: 33%
Secondary: 67%
Design and Technology
Secondary: 17%
Digital media and gaming
Secondary: 33%
Secondary: 0%
Secondary: 50%
Secondary: 67%
Secondary: 67%
Special School: 33%
Special School: 17%
Design and Technology
Special School: 0%
Digital media and gaming
Special School: 0%
Special School: 0%
Special School: 17%
Special School: 50%
Special School: 83%
Through School: 50%
Through School: 50%
Design and Technology
Through School: 0%
Digital media and gaming
Through School: 50%
Through School: 0%
Through School: 50%
Through School: 100%
Through School: 50%

Community Programmes:

Community-based arts programmes

22%are part of a local/community-based arts programme.

National arts programmes

13%are part of a national arts programme.


Out of the 49 unique schools included in the analysis:

Through School
Special School
020%40%60%Other arts/creative facilitiesNo arts/creative facilitiesMusic lesson/practice roomsArt studiosA theatre/hall space with production facilitiesA music studioA drama studioA drama studio
Primary: 0%
A music studio
Primary: 2%
A theatre/hall space with production facilities
Primary: 30%
Art studios
Primary: 7%
Music lesson/practice rooms
Primary: 28%
No arts/creative facilities
Primary: 26%
Other arts/creative facilities
Primary: 7%
A drama studio
Secondary: 19%
A music studio
Secondary: 16%
A theatre/hall space with production facilities
Secondary: 19%
Art studios
Secondary: 19%
Music lesson/practice rooms
Secondary: 19%
No arts/creative facilities
Secondary: 0%
Other arts/creative facilities
Secondary: 6%
Special School TooltipSpecial School TooltipSpecial School TooltipSpecial School TooltipSpecial School TooltipSpecial School TooltipSpecial School TooltipThrough School TooltipThrough School TooltipThrough School TooltipThrough School TooltipThrough School TooltipThrough School TooltipThrough School Tooltip

Funding & Support

The section below provides an overview of the survey responses when school staff were asked about the funding and support they have accessed to enable arts and enrichment activities in their school.


11%of Primary schools attract additional funding for arts curriculum or enrichment activity.


33%of Secondary schools attract additional funding for arts curriculum or enrichment activity.

Through Schools

50%of Through schools attract additional funding for arts curriculum or enrichment activity.

Special Schools

33%of Special schools attract additional funding for arts curriculum or enrichment activity.

Funding sources for provision of art curriculum and enrichment activity:

Through School
Special School
020%40%60%Trusts and foundationsParentsOtherFundraising events or activitiesCity CouncilCity Council
Primary: 6%
Fundraising events or activities
Primary: 3%
Primary: 0%
Primary: 6%
Trusts and foundations
Primary: 3%
City Council
Secondary: 17%
Fundraising events or activities
Secondary: 17%
Secondary: 17%
Secondary: 17%
Trusts and foundations
Secondary: 17%
Special School TooltipSpecial School TooltipSpecial School TooltipSpecial School TooltipSpecial School TooltipThrough School TooltipThrough School TooltipThrough School TooltipThrough School TooltipThrough School Tooltip


The section below provides an overview of the survey responses when school staff were asked about arts trips.

Does your school take pupils on arts trips outside the school?


80%of Primary schools take pupils on arts trips outside the school.


100%of Secondary schools take pupils on arts trips outside the school.

Special Schools

66%of Special schools take pupils on arts trips outside the school.

Through Schools

100%of Through schools take pupils on arts trips outside the school.

Typically, how are your school's arts trips funded?

Through School
Special School
0100%20%40%60%80%Parent fundingDon't knowCore school fundingAdditional fundingAdditional funding
Primary: 11%
Core school funding
Primary: 49%
Don't know
Primary: 6%
Parent funding
Primary: 54%
Additional funding
Secondary: 33%
Core school funding
Secondary: 83%
Don't know
Secondary: 0%
Parent funding
Secondary: 50%
Special School TooltipSpecial School TooltipSpecial School TooltipSpecial School TooltipThrough School TooltipThrough School TooltipThrough School TooltipThrough School Tooltip

Which of the following did you undertake in academic year 2022/23?

Through School
Special School
0100%20%40%60%80%Trips to the cinemaTrips to community organisationsDon't knowTrips to a theatre to see a play or musicalTrips to a museumTrips to a libraryTrips to a heritage siteTrips to a galleryTrips to a dance performanceTrips to a concertOther arts tripsDon't know
Primary: 3%
Other arts trips
Primary: 11%
Trips to a concert
Primary: 29%
Trips to a dance performance
Primary: 11%
Trips to a gallery
Primary: 46%
Trips to a heritage site
Primary: 31%
Trips to a library
Primary: 51%
Trips to a museum
Primary: 83%
Trips to a theatre to see a play or musical
Primary: 57%
Trips to community organisations
Primary: 23%
Trips to the cinema
Primary: 23%
Don't know
Secondary: 0%
Other arts trips
Secondary: 0%
Trips to a concert
Secondary: 50%
Trips to a dance performance
Secondary: 50%
Trips to a gallery
Secondary: 67%
Trips to a heritage site
Secondary: 50%
Trips to a library
Secondary: 33%
Trips to a museum
Secondary: 50%
Trips to a theatre to see a play or musical
Secondary: 83%
Trips to community organisations
Secondary: 17%
Trips to the cinema
Secondary: 33%
Don't know
Special School: 0%
Other arts trips
Special School: 33%
Trips to a concert
Special School: 0%
Trips to a dance performance
Special School: 17%
Trips to a gallery
Special School: 17%
Trips to a heritage site
Special School: 33%
Trips to a library
Special School: 83%
Trips to a museum
Special School: 33%
Trips to a theatre to see a play or musical
Special School: 50%
Trips to community organisations
Special School: 33%
Trips to the cinema
Special School: 50%
Don't know
Through School: 0%
Other arts trips
Through School: 0%
Trips to a concert
Through School: 50%
Trips to a dance performance
Through School: 50%
Trips to a gallery
Through School: 100%
Trips to a heritage site
Through School: 0%
Trips to a library
Through School: 50%
Trips to a museum
Through School: 100%
Trips to a theatre to see a play or musical
Through School: 100%
Trips to community organisations
Through School: 0%
Trips to the cinema
Through School: 50%

Barriers & Challenges

Regarding access, diversity, and inclusion, does your school experience any barriers or challenges:

Barriers with trips

24%have experienced barriers in facilitating trips out of school

Barriers with host venues

11%have experienced barriers or challenges with the experience at host venues

Diversity challenges

35%are able to find arts delivery partners who reflect the diversity of their pupils

Careers & Progression

Creative career advice

16%of schools have someone able to give specialist advice on career pathways into the arts

Practitioner engagement opportunities

71%give pupils opportunities to engage with arts practitioners

Supporting teacher CPD

81%of schools support teachers' CPD in arts subjects

Pupil Progression

7%hold data on pupil progression to study arts in further or higher education
Interested in the data? Take me straight to the Data Catalogue