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Cultural Organisations

There is a lack of data available on the arts and cultural individuals and organisations engaging with schools in Leeds.

This page presents, for the first time, an overview of how these people and organisations are currently engaging with schools, an description of the type of engagement offered by each organisation and provides contact details for schools to reach out and initiate their own engagement programmes.

The data on this page is indicative only and has been collected through research and analysis of open data sources. If you see any problems with the data on this page, get in touch with us at

Funded by Leeds City Council


National Portfolio Organisations


Arts Award Centres


NPOs that are Arts Award Centres


Organisations map

Hover over the data points on the map below to view more information on each organisation. If you are looking for a provider that offers a particular type of activity, use the drop-down to filter the organisations by the services they provide.

Note: this is a provisional dataset, and will be developed over time. If you think this data could be improved, get in touch with us.

Funded by both organisations
Funded by neither organisation
Arts Council England
Leeds City Council

The visualisation above presents data on the organisations for which address data was available. Freelance artists, and organisations for which we do not have address information, are mentioned below.

Cultural Partnerships

Pilot survey responses revealed that Leeds schools are actively sign-posting and promoting opportunities for pupils to engage with the arts. Many schools have long-term relationships with cultural partners who deliver a number of programmes including workshops, after-school clubs, music provision, performances, artist meet and greets and arts trips.

About the data

You can download and explore the raw data here.

The data on this page was included from the following data sources:

There are therefore some limitations to consider when using this data. Organisations have been included in the dataset where evidence of young people and school engagement could be found online. Organisations may not be counted if they have not mentioned their school engagements online and were not mentioned in the survey. Some of the information in the dataset may be out of date or inaccurate - if you know this to be the case, get in touch with us and let us know what's missing.

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